My Friend’s Place

The three little bobcats were roaming in Emma’s house lawn as if it was their territory. They were carefree and were feeling safe. As if it was their home. Probably the momma bobcat told her kittens that this was her friend’s place. Emma was waiting for Waffle’s reaction.
Running Around
Waffle was over the moon to have her friend back. She again started running near the window pane and let out loud meows. It was as if someone has injected life to her dead soul. The cat was overjoyed at her lost friend’s return.
What A Find
While a majority of the Bobcats would cave out two-three dens to give birth to their newborns, this bobcat thought that Waffle’s place was the best one to raise her family. She felt safe there.
Smart Cats
Bobcats like human mothers are very caring when it comes to little one in their pack. They have special backup cribs that take about 18 square miles. This helps them in moving their newborns from one den to the others. This was the only way they could escape the eyes of the predators.
Safe Home

Emma was extremely happy to see that the wild bobcat thought that her place was the safest place to home her newborns. Whether it was because of Waffle or her back lawn that the cat gave her babies there, Emma was happy to have them as a part of their family.
My Waffle

Emma was overwhelmed to see Waffle happy. After months of seeing her in pain, the sight of her running around the house and smiling stole her heart. The return of Bobcat had actually returned Waffle to her momma. Emma couldn’t be happier.