
Looking at this dog, you might think that it looks very strange and exotic. Well, this Mexican hairless breed is indeed quite a rare breed! The dogs actually have a very interesting past. They are considered to be quite sacred by the Aztecs, Toltecs, and Mayans. This breed of dogs allegedly has healing properties. This breed is not owned by many and the way to pronounce their breed name is very tricky!
Neapolitan Mastiff

If you just take a quick glance at this dog, you will see that it is the size of a moose. However, even though these dogs are huge in size, they mostly act like a puppy even after they turn to adulthood. These pups all have significant wrinkles and sags that underestimate their size. They are very clumsy and make for a good laugh which is one reason why they are such a popular breed with families.

The Bergamasco Shepherd is one of the most trusted sheepdogs out there. These dogs are characterized by their matted coat. There are some folks who just refer to them as dogs with dreadlocks. These dogs are definitely one of the cutest breeds to exist because they already look so cool with their natural ‘dreads’. To see them run is truly a wonderful sight.
Chinese Crested

You have definitely seen this attention-grabbing Chinese Crested that was featured in the infamous “Ugly Dog” contests that are being held every year. Many of these dogs have mohawks, while others just have their hair flowing. This tiny, hairy, weird looking dog has been a reason for many to laugh because of their appearance.

This is a dog breed that is most commonly known as the mop dog. Well if you look at the Puli, you will automatically see why they are called so. This breed is a Hungarian herder that has tight curls making it virtually waterproof. They are strong and very active too.