A Few Hours Later…
After four hours, Dr. Locus came into their room to check if Brittany was ready to deliver, but she wasn’t. He told them that he was returning home to hand over some sweets to his children and change his attire.
Brittany expected that the doc would never change his attire
My wife said: “Aww, we had hoped that you wouldn’t change, but we never expected him to stay in character all day and into the night,” Justin said.
All set for the delivery
“Brittany was ready for delivery at 8 pm so the nurse called her doctor in and, to our surprise, he showed up in full Joker attire, ready to deliver our baby, Oaklyn,” Justin said.
An Excited Father
“There my wife is, staring the Joker straight in the eyes while delivering our baby, what a sight! I was holding her leg up and snapping pictures!” Justin said in excitement.
Sharing On Facebook
Justin explained that he was about to go Live on Facebook with the whole process, but nurse curtailed his project. The proud dad revealed how their doctor was a “great sport about the whole situation.”
A Congratulatory Note
“The next morning, he came in to check on Brittany, and said: ‘Sorry I couldn’t make it in last night, glad to see the delivery went well.’ “Joking of course. He also gave her a card of congratulations, and he signed it Dr. Joker.”