Baby Steps
The girls took the idea instantly. The world of modeling would be alluring to any 7-year-old, with its galore of makeup and pretty clothes. But Jaqi knew that the glittering facade could pave the road to a doomed end. So the mom was cautious from the start and wanted them to start small.
Small-Town Models
A friend of the couple had recently opened a boutique catering to children’s clothing, so she needed some kids to model the clothes. Armed with a camera and the girls in tow, it was a small introduction to the world of modeling.
Just The Beginning
The girls behaved well during the photo shoot, for the most part. Unsurprisingly, the photos came out beautiful. With the promotional pictures done, she also sent some of them out to model and talent management agencies. And while waiting to hear back from the agencies, there was a surprising development.
Instagram Fame
Jaqi had created an Instagram account for the twins called ‘ClementTwins,’ as a way to gain more exposure for the girls. It would serve as an online portfolio for agencies and perhaps, garner a fanbase for the girls. What she did not see coming was the unprecedented amount of ‘likes’ and ‘follows’ that they were going to get.
All The Offers
In a very small span of time, the account gained followers in hundreds of thousands which came from all over the world. Rather than having to go to agency casting and hunting down talent scouts, they were the ones to beg for the chance to represent the twins.
Double Trouble
They decided with two, rather than one agency in the end. Zuri Model & Talent – a Los Angeles agency, and DreamRay Model & Talent in Orange County. It was a task, to say the least when it came to scheduling between the two companies, but they found a common ground and have been booking more gigs ever since.