Man-Made Or Alive?
Li sat in front of the object and was ready to pick it and he almost did. He was shocked and terrified to see the object move. He stepped back in shock and saw that the object wasn’t moving now. That sudden movement froze his legs at that moment. Unable to think further he went closer to the thing this time to finally find out its real identity. Then the object started to squirm. Yes, it really did that. He was sweating heavily but that was just a beginning. What happened next is just unbelievable.
The Name
When the object which he thought was some sort of artifact started to move, made Li really terrified of the situation. But, soon he found out that it was no artifact from previous dynasties but an extraordinary spider. Yes, it was a very strange looking spider that Li never saw in his whole life. A weird looking spider that seemed to have a wood body and consisted of some unexplainable carving on the body. You’ll be surprised to know about the spider.
The Common Spider
It’s a known fact that all over China, especially Pujiang County have the most varieties of spiders over 3,000. However, this spider was different from the regular spiders and Li haven’t seen anything like this. What he did next was extraordinary.
Curious Neighbors
Li picked up the spider and took the spider with him. He safely placed the spider in the nearest plastic bottle. Li saw one of his neighbor coming to visit him when he saw Li rushing into the house. He inquired about the urgency and then Li showed him this extraordinary spider he found in his orchard. Soon, people heard about the amazing discovery Li made and people started visiting Li to take a look at this amazing spider. What’s the name of the spider?
What Was It?
Li and one of his friend started searching over the internet about this spider. It took them a lot of time to find a name of this species but at last, they found out what this weird spider is called the Chinese Hourglass Spider. He was shocked to see the name that was given to the scientist but looking at the spider the name made sense.
Chinese Hourglass Spider
It seemed like Li stumbled upon on the rarest species of spider to which the world has given the name as the Chinese Hourglass Spider. It was believed that this species wasn’t alive on the planet anymore and why is that? It is because, in the last 18 years, this spider has been spotted only five times and the first time it was seen by a human eye was in the 5th century. There are other amazing facts about this spider but it was the worth of this spider.