No Mood To Take A Risk
You’ll be surprised to know that being one of the fertile lands in China, farmers don’t enjoy the perks of fertile lands. The annual income of over 40 million farmers is less than $350 per year and over 500 million earn a daily income of $5.50. Even Li who comes from a great line of Tang Dynasty was friends with poverty, but his life was about to take a very unexpected turn which would change his life forever.
Only Source Of Income
For Li farming was the only source of income and he was very much aware of that. He knew that if his crops won’t yield the expected he would be in a great loss. It’s very hard for farmers to lose their crops because of all the investment and hard work they put into, only to hope the best for themselves and to support their respective family. Li made sure that he checks his farm very thoroughly and while doing that he stumbled upon this amazing discovery.
Moving Deeper
Li didn’t even realize that his farm has grown this dense. It’s been a very long time he stepped into the denseness of the trees to inhale the happiness his farm brought to him. The farm was so dense he wouldn’t even notice a soul wandering inside it. His unawareness made this strange thing enter into this denseness. Li didn’t even realize that he was inside the territory and would soon discover the thing which would change his life forever.
Should He Be Worried?
As we told you Li was going through his crops’ condition, which to him looked perfectly healthy and he was happy to see that this year’s crops were much better than the previous year. After so long time he entered this deep in the farm and found himself covered in the greenery which was soothing his soul. It must have been a very beautiful sight but the most beautiful was still waiting for Li to explore it.
Links With Tang Dynasty
As we told you about Li’s lineage which goes back to the Tang Dynasty, even then, he has shared home with poverty for several years. He has seen his share of grey clouds which brought the rains of the bad financial condition and struggling to manage a one time meal. We don’t know who was there up above who kept an eye on this man which made sure that he finds this amazing thing that would change the course of his life.
All Good?
Li was done with all the inspection and was happy to see that not a single tree was affected by greening disease. With some few trees left he decided to leave the farm to head back to his home but deep inside he was feeling that he shouldn’t leave just now and check those few trees as well. He knew his habit of getting worried about things. He was almost done and only one tree was left which was standing at the end of the farm Now what’s that? Something was lying at the foot of the tree.