Little Things
The volunteers knew that the two cute feral cats were vulnerable and not completely safe out in the open but when they were approached, the kitten was scared and would not leave its mother’s side. That alerted Dongsook too and she became very protective of her little one.
Cautious Approach
Well aware of the motherly instincts of animals the volunteers decided to take things slow and approach the mother kid duo cautiously. They wanted to take them to instant care but they saw that the kitten was clearly apprehensive about being touched or approached. So they did the little they could right there.
Bedding Setting

Since they could not take the cats to a new home, the volunteers decided to bring the coziness of home to the cats. They got a blanket and spread it on the spot where the cat and the kitten usually lay. This obviously would have kept them warm and they can be seen all snuggled up against each other.
Best Interest At Heart
Dongsook knew the volunteers and the Korean woman. Afterall she was the one from whom she got the food with the help of which she could take care of her only surviving kitten. She understood that the volunteers had her best interest at heart and was therefore not scared of them, but that wasn’t the case with the kitten.

Initially, when the volunteers came to Dongsook’s residence to feed her and her kitten the latter usually hid behind her or the blanket but then, even the kitten warmed up to the humans, and now they could think of their steps ahead.
Not Scared

Any stray animal would be alerted if an equipment like this was operated around it but Dongsook and the kitten had gotten comfortable around the humans by now and trusted them enough to not harm them and the net was actually to carry them to a new place as the video shows.