Who Had She Become?
Jane was exhausted from everything. Even after having everything all she had close to her was sadness and loneliness. All she ever wished was freedom and wealth, her wish soon turned into her biggest nightmare. Her life events affected her so much that she sought out speaking to a therapist. She couldn’t recognize herself looking in the mirror. Who is she? What has happened to her? So many questions and all had only one answer. And what’s that?
Not Fitting In
“Although I’ve been to the Maldives, I much prefer Benidorm in Spain because nobody is looking down at you.” She continued, “You can drink as much as you want.” Jane expressed her feelings about not being able to fit into these luxuries. She felt like odd one out in the crowd of rich people.
How To Know Who To Trust
If you really want to know who is your real friend, then don’t look for them when you have everything, but, when you don’t have anything. We don’t know who said this, but whoever it was said the truth of life. And Jane learned this the hard way. She had a generous personality and of which her so-called friends took advantage of in many ways. Later, she realized that she doesn’t even have a single person whom she can turn to. It was becoming unbearable for her and little she knew, problems were not finished yet. They have just begun.
Love Life
Even Jane’s love life had the same issues. She was actively dating and meeting new faces, but still to them she was a means to an end. The 22-year-old has been in multiple relationships since she won the lottery. But realized that money interested them more than her. If not money then they were after the fame with the youngest ever lottery winner. No real friends, no love, and no life. Things were really cruel to her. But who made it this way? She found out soon.
Bad Boys
Speaking on her experiences with men, Jane has expressed, “I’ve had horrible relationships and it’s left me with a massive guard up. With the last one, I showered him with gifts. I thought it would make him happy.” The more she gave more they asked. Jane was getting really annoyed by the people. Her new life was not at all as she hoped, and then her life took a sudden turn for the worse.
Trying To Be Like Paris Hilton
Jane Parks thought that after winning she will become like Paris Hilton. But the money made her blind and she couldn’t see who are fake and who are real. She expressed in an interview, “I’ve got a boyfriend now but looking back it was a scary thought,” she continued. “I never knew what guys intentions were and had to obviously keep that in the back of my mind. Loads of people came out of the woodwork.”