Nothing Unusual
The havoc of the scene could’ve further been prevented if the neighbors would have called and complained about the U-Haul parked near their house. But there seemed to be nothing unusual to anyone since they thought someone was shifting in the neighborhood.
Michael Ayers
Michael Ayers, whose house was right in front of the spot where the U-Haul was abandoned by the thieves gave a statement to the police that he did not find anything unusual in the situation since it seemed like some deliveries were being made.
Repeated Crime
It also turned out that two of the criminals, Soliz and Serna, were arrested before also and they were out on bail during the time they committed the crime. And any guesses for what crime they had been arrested for earlier? Yes, nothing new but auto theft.
The couple was really disturbed after a never-ending day full of bad experiences and they just wanted to leave but were legally bound to stay. Their car and their own statements would be needed for the case against the thieves.
The team of police understood and respected that the couple wanted to leave to carry on with the last rites of their father and therefore they went ahead with all the formalities as quickly as possible and the couple was immediately allowed to leave as soon as the formalities were fulfilled.
The couple was relieved to know that the investigation was over, they were not asked to stay anymore and that their journey was not delayed any further. They were more than grateful that they had found their car and trailer and the body was also not tampered.