Who Was It?
The dead body in the casket was the wife’s father’s. It now explained all the tension that she was in. The time had already been tough on her, and to top that, the trailer went missing. She would’ve been in the worst of states.
The police checked the casket as soon as the wife ordered them to. They informed that the body was in its place and no harm was done to it by the thieves. The couple took a breath of relief, they wanted to ensure that their father was buried with respect and honor.
The Thieves
The biggest task was now to find the thieves who had committed such an indecent crime. And the police started searching for pieces of evidence that would help them in doing so. Luckily, they did not have to beat their brains too hard.
The police had found fingerprints on the car since the thieves were smart to steal a trailer but not smart enough to use gloves for the theft. And the hotel guests also mentioned that they had seen a red pickup truck in the same area that morning.
Red Truck
The police did some investigation and it was clear that the red truck was also a stolen vehicle and their main aim now was to find the red truck, which would automatically lead them to the thieves as well.
The red truck was spotted by the police on the very same day and force was sent to catch the thieves who were driving it on the 1-25 highway. But the suspects were really stubborn and had refused to give up, trying to hide from one corner to the other.