Mom’s Hair Down

This is another case of the “wine files”. This kid’s class was asked to write down stuff about their daily lives and the important events that occur. This kid informed the teacher that he had the chance to play with Lucas his pal and that his mom also “got drunk”. The kid even added, “Oh goodness me. It’s important for mom to let her hair down once in a while.” We can only guess whatever this is supposed to mean…

Facebook Love

What cam be more informative than a comic book strip about your parent’s conversations? This kid here depicted what seems to be his parent’s daily convos. The drawing wrote, “My dad is allergic to Facebook but my mom loves it!” Maybe the parents are not handling the new social media craze as best as they can. Facebook is not for everyone but it seems this mother loves it, coming from her kid…

A Science Project

Remember in school we had to learn about solids, liquids, and gases in science class? Well, here is a child that is doing the same thing. They had a class work to identify what are solids, liquids and gases. So under the topic of  “gases”, the kid kept the dad passing gas. It was not the required answer however, this is technically not the wrong answer. We think the kid should get extra points for being creative.

The Scary Joke

We sure hope this drawing was a joke made by some adult because if it is true, it truly is something creepy. It reads, “Today I had a fun time mom and dad and the cat. Even the demon left us alone this time…” This drawing really does make you feel a little afraid and uneasy doesn’t it? This kid here definitely needs to see the counselor and talk about what demons have been disturbing him.