The Talking Boy
When we take a look at this drawing, we can see that there is something very creepy going on here. Who is this “talking boy” on the drawing? Could it be the artist himself or just Julian’s friend? Could it be that their house is actually haunted? We hope the artist here gets all the help he needs and that the “talking boy” is a figment of his imagination. We sure hope the parents had a nice talk with the boy to clarify this eerie sketch.
Living With?
You cannot deny the fact that this kid’s representation of the people who live in his home is very creepy. There is no clear demarcation of what is real and what is imagination when it comes to these kids. If you look at the drawing, he seems to be living with ‘Jack Skelington from The Nightmare Before Christmas’, so we presume that this kid is just drawing a picture. We hope someone checked in on his house just to clarify though…
Poor Mommy
Even though her intentions may be pure, this little girl has certainly given away the necessary details to the fact that her parents have a failing marriage. Even though she drew a cute and sweet drawing, the things she wrote were indeed signs that her parents are not happy with themselves. We hope her father gets home soon to fix the problems with her mom so that she does not have to deal with divorced parents.
Domestic Disturbance
With just a look at this demonstration, you can tell that mom and dad have a lot of issues in their relationship. We can learn a lot about where a child is being raised from drawings such as this. It really does depict a very obvious picture. We hope that the mom did not really hit the father with the car as that would be a crime of epic proportions. The smile on the mother however makes it seem as though she would enjoy it very much.
This Is The Life!
If you ask kids to draw something and describe marriage, be sure to get something hilarious in response. Take a look at this drawing here. We can already guess that the kid’s parents are not doing too well with their relationship judging from how he sees it. The stick figure seems to be content sitting on the chair and with no trouble from his partner. As parents, you must remember to show kids that marriage can work…
So this kid here knows for sure that her mother’s favorite drink is vodka. The information given by the kid is truly something sweet if you exclude the vodka part. The kid must frequently see the mother holding her favorite drink to be so sure about it. The kid also say the mom laughs when she runs into the wall. Maybe the vodka in her system makes her think everything is funny, even her child getting into accidents.