No Crybabies
As a teacher, there are some things that you need to assign your class. During some of these activities, kids often reveal a little too much about their family life that should remain a secret. They usually get a little too honest when it comes to such things. Here we see an innocent class activity revealing a little too much about this kid’s family. This boy’s family must be a tough one who thinks crying is a weakness…
Just by reading this it is clear that this kid Frankie was been called this one more than once. Such a pity for a young kid to identify himself this way. We are guessing it is one of Frankie’s parents who has been calling him this as there is no way a child could have thought up of such a word himself. Since Frankie is in kindergarten, he probably does not know what this means. We hope he stops being a freeloader soon and can splurge on his parents and loved ones…
Dear Mom
This child here has a very clear message for his mom. He simply asks her to stop burping poop on their bed, so we can imagine that it went a little out of control. This note must have been forgotten at The Carolina Inn where the family stayed in. And when the housekeeper went to clean the room, stumbled upon it. You have to think of the reasons as to why a child would write such a thing. We sure hope the mom quits her antics…
Awesome Dad!
To see this drawing must be a very embarrassing realization for the poor father. This kid is completely unaware of the impact that this could have on the image of his father if anyone were to stumble upon the drawing. We may never know the real reason why this kid made this drawing but we are sure he just needed a creative outlet. We hope the dad learned his lesson and toned himself down a bit in the future.
Wow Miss Mac
Well, this teacher must be happy to learn that one of her students clearly thinks of her highly. This note here is one that obviously shows just how much her student appreciates her, keeping her on the same rank as her parents. Miss Mac must be a pretty sweet lady to be able to get such a lovely note from Nina. We sure hope Nina’s mom did not see this though because it would have been very awkward for her…
Quite Dark
This photo here has suggested that this kid’s dad might not be as sad about his mother’s death as he is supposed to be. They are seen here seemingly joyous on the dead mother’s grave. We are not sure if they are dancing here but it sure looks to be that way. We may never get to the bottom of this but we sure hope this sinister message is not for real. It is a little dark to draw themselves dancing on a dead relative’s grave, don’t you agree?