Evil Mommy
We just hope that no one in school got to see this drawing. It would have definitely raised a lot of eyebrows if anyone ever came across this. The child has drawn an “evil snake” that appears to have engulfed an “evil mom”. The Evil Mom says, “I don’t like people!” The mom must have been very surprised to see this drawing.. We do not know how the snake and mom correlate but we just hope evil mom turns nice soon…
Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Parents
This drawing here is something that would really make you think. The drawing is open to interpretation. This kid drew his parents in what seems to be a WWE ring complete with the sign. The kid has clearly noted that his mom and dad are in this ring. It seems as though his parents have been fighting and arguing just like WWE wrestlers. The kid must have been reminded of the wrestling matches on television.
A Role Model
This drawing was quite the popular one on the internet several years ago. Even though the actual post claims that the mom here works at Home Depot, it sure looks like the mom dances on the pole for a living. The kid has given his mom a tool to handle as well(shovel, perhaps?) and the customers are flocking to her at the store. We may never know which story is one to believe but it does make up for a hilarious post…
The Interesting Person…
When you give a child an assignment to write about the most interesting person in their life, be sure to get an interesting response. It is usually very easy for a kid to pick a favorite parent but here the case is a little different. The kid has sort of dissed his mother, claiming not to like her so much “because she’s more like a regular mom”. We just hope the mother is not the jealous type who is clamoring for approval too…
School Lunches
Here we see a very smart kid. They were aware of the fact that they would not get what they craved for during lunch so they found a good way to give a hint to their teacher. If the teacher came to know that all they had for lunch are stale Cheetos, the parents might be requested to better the child’s lunches. This is a calculated maneuver perfectly planned out by the child. We hope it worked and that lunch got better…
This kid wanted his father and son day to be a very special one. He wanted his dad to stop sleeping so much and actually make an effort on their special day together. He wanted to do things he liked together. He decided to write his father a nice semi-threatening note that hopefully served as a good reminder. He had some additions too and we certainly hope that the father was kind enough to make his boy’s day a fun-filled one…