All About Daddy
This kid has taken up the challenge of doing the “all about dad or mom” assignments in school. His subject for this was his dear father. He has used a very vague word to describe what his dad does, that he is an “employee” which does not reveal too much about him. The only thing that this boy used to describe his dad was that he loves “drinking”. So the next time he decides to drink, his dad would probably do it inconspicuously for sure…
The Farting
This kid here had drawn a perfect depiction of his mommy. Usually, fart jokes are linked to dads but here the sketch shows the mom totally letting one loose. Moms are usually more discreet about this kind of stuff but this kid has decided to reveal everything. We just hope that this particular class an assignment does not get hung up on the walls of the classroom. It would be a bit embarrassing for the mom to be identified this way…
Ellen Show
This kid was asked to describe their parents in the class. We all know how personal and revealing it can get when these type of assignments come up. We often get to know what exactly parents do the most with their life. While other kids wrote about their parents being doctors and policemen, this kid went a little different with his approach. He described his mom as a lover of ‘The Ellen Show’, claiming that she watches it all the time. We all love the show but to watch it all the time…?
A classroom was asked to do this assignment. While most kids would want to get lesser punishments or want parents to use the phone less, this kid here wanted something else. She wanted her mom to drink less wine. The kid just wants to give her mom a sound advice, to make her cut down on her drinks. The kid has, however, made the drawing very cute and attractive with colors and heart shapes. We hope her mom listened to her word of advice…
Eight Years Old
This hilarious description is not a drawing but still is a very funny one. Teachers sometimes let their kids write whatever they want about their parents. This girl here has claimed that her father is actually an “8-year-old”. She added that his favorite food is beer, that he is funniest when he farts and that they enjoy visiting the dollar store together. We feel as though this father-daughter duo is very tight and that they keep this closeness at all times.
The Big Difference
Evan here was asked to describe his mommy and daddy for his elementary school class. He had a very interesting approach on how he went about with this assignment. He had a very different way on how he described his mom and dad. His mom had a “love” cloud next to her while his dad was given a gaseous cloud next to him. Even the teacher did not know how to react to this hilarious drawing so, a “Wow” sticker was placed…