
If you really want to lose your weight then, first of all, stop skipping your breakfast and start having a bowl of oatmeal in that. The oatmeal should be free of sugar or preservatives. Oatmeals ae very profitable as they contain starch that increases your metabolism rate. It suppresses your appetite and brings your waistline in shape. 


We all love carrots. They are tasty, convenient to eat and healthy. They are full of fiber and water that helps you in burning calorie. You can have them in the salad on daily basis for best results. 


Better Three-Bean Salad

This green vegetable is very effective in losing weight. Beans have fiber in abundance that controls your hunger and therefore prevents you from intaking unnecessary calorie. It also helps in upkeeping the health of your heart. This protein replete veggies can be added in salads, soups, gravy etc.


This beautiful veggie is equally healthy. They are just not low in calorie but also has vitamins such as C, K, and B6. They make you feel full for longer time. So if you want to see yourself coming into shape than eat it more often.


Artichokes are rich in fiber. Though not good in taste, they can help you a lot in losing your weight.  Along with weight loss, they can also help you deal with digestive problems, liver ailments, and diabetes. 



Eggs are already so delicious and with its miraculous health benefits, you have a concrete reason to savor it every day. They are consist of protein and branched-chain amino acid that strengthens your metabolism. Have it for your breakfast and see the difference in just a few days.