Sharp And Can Kill

You should never ignore a warning. Especially, the one written on knives. There are some people in the world who listen to nothing but warnings in bold letters. So, the manufacturer put it on the knife itself. Hope, the people using it will get it.  


The pain of losing iPod Touch was not enough that someone decided to rub salt to her wound. Caroline MacLure put out a lost and found notice for her iPod Touch and offered an amount of $50 to whoever finds that. Though the woman does not get her iPod she does find another notice positioned next to hers. In it, that person too has lost his/her iPod and is offering $51 to whoever finds it. $1 extra.   



The message is crisp and clear. The library will remain closed until it opens. Well, we couldn’t help but put it on our list. We have to admit that either the writer is very smart or extremely lazy. The readers are still in confusion about the timing of the library.   



Do you know what is the hottest thing on earth? It’s fire. If you don’t believe me then check this board. Nothing in this world is hotter than fire and colder than ice. So, here is the information of the day. You’re welcome.    

Do Not Use


Apparently, the urinal is not in a condition to be used. We wonder how many people actually used this broken urinal that the person had to put a sign right above it. 

Tasty But Not Big


This board is a big lie. The size of the hotdog shown on the board is way smaller in reality. However, we can forget it as the product is extremely tasty and affordable. What say?