Not Fine

So there is no scope for any person to survive after being electrocuted by high voltage wires but even if miraculously someone manages to survive that person would have to give $200. We wonder if the fine is compulsory for dead ones as well. 

Note For Stupids

Those people who park their car somewhere else are plain stupid. Whoever’s idea is this board is absolutely right. Stupidity does not count in handicap and so one should not encroach upon parking space for handicaps. Salute!

Dog Words

Dogs are always true to their masters but one should not always take them barking seriously. So, this board is a funny jibe at those who leave their dog to roam around and threaten others.   

She Drinks

So, here is the real reason why your Mom drinks. Felt bad? Don’t. Instead, take your mom to a nearby bar and treat her with Margarita. You can take her out on Mother’s day as the board says. Just make sure that your mom does not get to read this board. 

Dance It Up

Do you think you can’t dance? Don’t listen to others just listen to your true friend i.e. Vodka. Next time you shy away from dancing just take a few shots of it and bingo, there you are grabbing all the attention because of your dance. 

Makes My Day

That actually makes everyone’s day. But it never really occurred to us. Did it? So the next time if someone asks you what makes your day then you know what you have to say, Right? We loved the humor of this person.