When Door’s Close, Break The Window!
Clever use of the blinds here. The dog actually looks like he realizes what’s going on here, but just as the shaming note states it’s not his fault. If his mother didn’t follow the routine, he has the right to get a bit hyper.
Did You Know?- Approx 80% of the owners gift their pets on birthdays or during holidays!
Doing The Impossible
A newly packed Rick Grimes isn’t alive anymore, thanks to Jasmine for wiping out one evil spirit from our planet, she is a real hero.
Did You Know?- Sources say, dog bites or tripping over your dog is how you are going to get hurt most probably.
White Or Yellow?
Trooper’s bad habit will be easily gone with proper training but he’ll always be equally overloaded with cuteness and hence his mistake is forgiven!
Did You Know?- Iceland’s capital city didn’t allow keeping dogs as a pet at first but seeing at the dog craze among people the rules have now been relaxed.
The Warrior!
The destroyer is here, but who’ll believe it looking at his innocent face? Well, don’t let him fool you. Read the note and look at the evidence and then decide.
Did You Know?- This new pet shaming trend could be harmful to your dogs if stress is created in their minds.
Cat Family
This cat looks at the camera like she doesn’t want to be clicked. Is she ashamed? Not really! Her owners are surprised about when and where it happened!
Did You Know?- Cats can drink seawater as their kidneys are capable of separating water from salt.
Birds Shaming!
When dogs and cats and hedgehogs are being shamed why should parrots stay away? Take a look at the keyboard and you’ll know what it’s like petting a parrot.
Did You Know?- Parrots are said to be one of the most intelligent bird species on the planet.
Keeping a note in front of them and clicking a picture to post is fine but making them feel ashamed of their mistakes isn’t what they deserve. Pets are full of joy, and that’s the reason we seek their presence at the first place; to bring liveliness into our lives. We would love to know more about your experiences with your pet.