Where’s My Food
This cat doesn’t look in a good mood for sure. Like I asked you for my food and you came into the bathroom. Those looks are too haunting. As if the cat will just jump on with agitation. Hey man, serve him some food or else he won’t let you sit here for long.
Me First
Before making any guesses, just this sight makes one laugh. What were you doing together there kitties? Were you arguing on who will pee first? Fitting there together must be tough but you both look really cute hanging out there. Just don’t mess while coming out.
Crouching Bathing Tiger
Watching a tiger having a bath is not a common sight to watch. But this one is really pleasing. It might look cute now but beware. Once it turns a little old, its ferociousness would force you to send him back to the jungles. If not send, you should be up for bathing together with him.
Double Trouble
A single cat troubling is already too much, then imaging the trouble with double the cats. They have already started playing with the toilet paper and now they will splash water everywhere and then they will scratch that shower curtains. And one will have no other choice than buying more of toilet rolls and shower curtains.
Cozy Duck
Who said bathrobes are only for humans and not pets? This duck gets cozy as she is wrapped in the towel. This picture looks so adorable. This duck can be the brand ambassador for any soap brand.
Pug Walk
This pug just made you go aww, didn’t it? Just the way he poses is quite cute. This little pup is completely photogenic and this picture is just perfect. The owner should get it framed for sure. A look at this picture will be enough to make one’s day a whole lot better.