Even Am Your Child
Of course, our pets are no less than our kids. But, doggo when the kid baths you don’t have to. This dog is an insecure one who is jealous of the fact that his parents’ attention has been diverted to this new baby in the house. Still, they seem to have a good time over there, splashing in the water together. Well, it was a nice sight to be captured.
Bathing Time
I always knew that the most productive thing one can do is relax, but I never knew that this rabbit is actually executing it in real. He looks so relaxed and is enjoying the most of his bathing session. Who cares even if that bath is in the bathroom sink and not in a bathtub until and unless you are calm and composed.
That’s Cool
So if your pet is scared of water and bathing sessions, use this trick. Give them some air floaters and they will have a relaxing cleaning session just like these cute little otters. However, their expressions are not that promising but at least their faces won’t have to face that water. Back swimming seems to be quite fun.
I have never seen something this cute. Like seriously? They are posing for the picture. The one on the right is blushing and smiling while the one on the left plants him a cheek kiss. Though the owner would not have spared them for messing with his foaming cream and towels, but this sight would definitely have melted his heart.
Am Caught
What attracts these creatures to the toilet paper is a mystery. This creature is so scared of being caught that he doesn’t even look at the camera while being captured. They don’t even know how to use it but are always ready to mess around with it. Little kangaroo too enjoys playing with that white roll. All the pet owners are aware of this site, but a kangaroo owner must not be. Hope you have a good day rolling there.
Is That A Spiderman
Anyone would be surprised to witness something like this. Not only is this Labrador wearing his owner’s colored hair wig but is also having a bath with it on. And wait, is he licking a Spiderman as well. This lab instead of barking at the untimely presence of the spiderman is licking him. I guess the spiderman has webbed a web of attraction around this doggo.