Planning To Wash Your Hands
If you were thinking to wash off your hands, then sorry to disappoint you but that’s sure not gonna happen. This wash basin has turned into a sleepover place for this kitty and her family. They are having a gala time cuddling there.
A tip for you is, just turn on that tap and see these kitties running here and there like maniacs! Poor kitties won’t bother you the next time you need to use that washing space.
Screaming For Help
If you think that you are having a bad day just look at this fellow. She is having an even worst one.
The picture on the left makes me go aww. It’s an adorable one. But just a bath in bubble soap and some splashes of water makes this cute kitty turn into a haunting one. This cat surely hates water, just look how depressed she looks and is screaming for help after having a bath. Hey, you little kitty, it was just a bath girl. Someone get her a towel, please.
Weekend Relaxation
When mom doesn’t allow you to have a bath in the tub just sought to that wash basin. It’s a good place to swim in. This little pome is definitely having the time of his life by relaxing in that space. Moreover, the massage he is getting from the water flow is a relaxing one. Look at those expressions! Hey, don’t disturb me, I am on a detox mode.
Am Stuck
There is something about the toilet seats which attracts these cute creatures so much. I can’t even say what exactly was he doing over there, but whatever it might have been, it surely wasn’t a good one. Maybe he too went to see what’s hiding in the seat or he too was sipping water from there and slipped into the toilet seat. Poor fellow, he could not find his way out and looks so helpless there.
This fall must have taught him not to stick his head into the places he doesn’t belong.
Let Me Join You
A mere glimpse of this image makes me laugh hard. This girl was enjoying her coffee until the cat decides to step into the tub. The girl’s reaction makes me laugh harder than the jerk this cat is acting like. Hey mom, let’s have a cool Sunday noon bath together. What looks like a petting zoo is actually a bathroom. This woman would start hating this kitty for what it did at that moment.
Oh No
After having a look at this one, I understand why do pets run away from water. Just look at this! It’s a hilarious one. Just before a bath, she looked jolly, lively and happy young fellow but just a dip in water makes her look retarded. Oh, poor soul, you look lean, tired and just old enough to be lying in a corner and sleeping. It seems as if someone just stole that vitality from her.
Maybe all she needs is a blowdry.