His father had become consumed by the painting, but his prime interest was to know about the artist’s role in the Mexican Revolution. He used to constantly think about the painting and the artist and often used to have long discussions with him. Whenever Rue used to ask him to stop thinking the painting so much, he would often brush him off by saying that the painting was really authentic and this wasn’t a painting to be kept inside the four walls of the house. Rue would ignore him thinking that the old man had become cranky with his age. Was that so?
Political Artist
The artist, Diego Rivera was one the most important political artists of the 20th century and he had gained this reputation because of his artworks. Unlike other artists, he wasn’t just an admirer of the beauty of nature or fascinated by attractive women, his works would rather depict the plight of the laborers, the brick-layers and farmers. The other artists never used to experiment with their artworks the way Rivera used to do. He always used to try to show the reality to the world.
Because of his unique thinking, his works were considered to be a national treasure in Mexico today. There were hardly any artists at that time who used to raise their voice against such serious issues using their artworks because they were afraid of the consequences that their actions might lead to. Rivera wasn’t just an artist who would remain engrossed in his work in the small room and ignore whatever that might be happening in the town. He used to indulge in every political event that used to happen in the town. But then how come Rue’s great-grandfather acquired the painting?
His political involvement was well known to almost every politician, which meant he often feared for his life. His nightmares began to materialize in early 1937. In that year, he hosted who was a famous Russian Revolutionary, in his then-wife Frida Kahlo’s home. Leon was exiled due to his anti-Stalinist views. They both had set up a Joint Commission of Inquiry into the Moscow Trials. This wasn’t hidden from Stalin’s eyes and his long arms had reached Mexico to get a hold on them.
Unexpected Event
Three years later, Trotsky was assassinated in Mexico City, which was really close to Rivera and Kahlo’s home. Rivera knew that the whole plan was executed by Stalin himself and strongly believed that he could be their next target. One evening when Rivera was finishing a portrait of the actress and wife of Charlie Chaplin, he heard some strange noises coming from outside.
He and his wife were startled with screeching sound of brakes outside their house, his wife rushed to investigate the strange noises. When she came out of her house she was surprised when she saw some suspicious-looking men sitting inside the cars with guns in their hands. She ran to the nearest phone booth to alert her husband about the danger.