He was somewhat curious to know about the painting’s back story which had been hanging on the back of his office door for years now. Rue wanted to know if it was a genuine piece of art. Some years back, a person had come to their house to appraise the painting and told the family that while the painting was nice, it was a fake. Rue remembered the person’s words exactly and wanted to make sure of its originality before he could hand over the painting to the Antiques Roadshow. Would he be able to find the truth behind the painting?
Rue’s family had believed the painting was an early piece of work by the renowned artist, Diego Rivera. But as per the person who came for evaluation, this wasn’t painted by the famous painter, Diego but the style was somewhat similar to what he used to paint. Several questions were running inside his mind. He tried to find some clues that could help him solve the mystery.
So he sat on a chair in his study with the painting on his lap and started looking for the smallest clue that he could find in the painting. While he was doing so, he came across the artist’s signature that was still clearly visible in a corner. When he examined the signature he found something strange about the painting. What was it?
He tried to focus on the signature, something about it made him bite his nails out of curiosity. He could make out the name under which the signature was signed. The name that was written at the bottom was of the artist, Rivera. There was one thing that was continuously questioning the originality of the painting and that was the way the artist had signed the painting. It seemed to him like Rivera had signed it in a hurry. But why would he have signed the masterpiece in a hurry?
The Appraiser
Rue didn’t want to waste any more minutes searching for clues because his research wasn’t helping him find the answers to his questions. He impulsively bundled up the painting and hauled it to the place where the popular reality show, Antiques Roadshow, was being filmed in Texas. He came to know that Colleene Fesko, a senior appraiser had come to the show to appraise the treasure that was hidden inside the city.
The Queue
When he reached there he saw a long queue of people standing with artifacts in their hands. It dawned upon him that the journey to find the truth wasn’t that easy as it seemed to him. Every person in the queue had to tell a little back history about the artworks they were carrying along with them. This was the initial criteria that everyone had to follow to get themselves registered for the show. It was done so that the roadshow had only antique and genuine pieces on display. But Rue was yet to find out the originality of the painting that he was carrying.