The Right Owner

“We actually were in the middle of our monthly board meeting and a volunteer tagged us on the Facebook post,” Jennifer Graves, rescue board president stated. A woman named Brandi Hendrix was the chosen one to foster Radar. There was no other candidate who could beat her in the contest as she had previously adopted a cat and a dog, who she still owns. She had the perfect resume to adopt Radar and so it happened. Radar’s life was about to change.

In Safe Hands

“Radar hasn’t felt so great. But he definitely wants to be around people,” said Brandi Hendrix, Radar’s foster mom. Brandi is also a foster owner to a cat and another dog and Radar is having the time of his life with his new family members. He’s getting all the love and affection that he deserves which he was deprived of in his past.  “He is more alert and has started to follow me around and will sit next to me with his head in my lap,” Brandi said.


Radar was being showered with love and care that made him realize that he was not to live a fearful life anymore. It was obvious by the look on his face. He had smiled for the very first time ever since he had been brought to the Animal Justice League center and the smile on his face became the reason for everyone’s happiness.

He Is Joyful

Anyone who met Radar would tell you that he was a cute little dog overflowing with joy. He didn’t look like the same dog who was once abandoned to live a miserable life with a stomach illness. He was a new dog all over who was now willing to make new friends. Radar’s story is a fairy tale bliss where things were rough initially but he eventually got his happy ending.

Hard Life

The shelter staff is hopeful that Radar will eventually forget his dreadful past. What matters the most now is that he is in the best shape and fortunately for him in safer hands. No one would ever hurt him again. Brandi is a proud foster mom to this little pooch and he doesn’t shy off from expressing his love to her. He is a cute small furball who fits in Brandi’s lap like he was meant to be his pet and his new friends are always around to keep him busy.

New Friends

Another overwhelming trait of Radar is that he is good at making friends. Who says a cat and a dog can’t get along? Radar even managed to befriend the cat who also lived at the shelter irrespective of the fact that they are meant to be enemies by nature. It’s also because of the fact that they were all once abandoned and they are happy to be accepted and adored. These cute creatures are simply happy by the attention and love they now get and they couldn’t care less about where it comes from.