Check Out The Blonde

Aaron assumed Jamal is talking about how pretty the girl is, so he didn’t notice anything else. Jamal thought he is probably overthinking all of this and there is nothing to look into. Jamal noticed a gaze on him, it was the girl again. He maintained eye contact trying to read her face. He noticed her lips moving slowly. She was trying to say something to him.
You’re Kidding

Jamal concentrated hard to understand her, and her lips were trembling trying to mouth something to him. And once it clicked what she was mouthing to him, Jamal’s eyes widened. She was mouthing “H-E-L-P M-E” Jamal immediately turned to Aaron and told him about it. He told Jamal to quit joking around. Jamal swore he is not joking but before Aaron could see it for himself, the car drove off again.
Follow That Car

Jamal told Aaron to follow the car as he dialed 911 from his phone. Aaron was still not convinced but he followed Jamal’s instructions anyway. The operator answered the call, “911, what’s your emergency?” Jamal responded with, “Yes, I’m on the highway… I’m witnessing a robbery. No, not a robbery, a kidnapping”
Highway 175

The boys told the operator they were on highway 175 currently following the car. The operator asked them to elaborate on what they saw and how were they sure that it might be a kidnapping. Aaron responded, “We looked at the back seat and the blonde female was saying ‘help me!’ or something, whispering it”.
Losing The Car

The boys were right behind the car when they reached a busy road, and before they could tell, the car disappeared into one of the lanes next to the main road. Aaron started panicking now, he didn’t want to lose them, they only have one shot at saving her.
The Gut Feeling

The boys were confused but a decision had to be made and that too quickly, otherwise they will lose him for good. Aaron just went with his gut instinct and drove into the alley next to the main road. It was weirdly empty at this time of the day but that also acted as an advantage to speed up and find the guy.