The Driver

Jamal noticed the driver in the front seat. He was black, had cropped hair, almost like a buzz cut. He wasn’t dressed in a uniform though. He turned around to look at the blonde and the blonde immediately looked away, her gaze set downwards into her lap. Jamal found this little interaction kind of odd but he didn’t think too much about it.
Eye Contact

Jamal noticed the girl looking at him from the corner of her eyes. She looked anxious. He sensed her discomfort and looked away assuming it was his gaze which made her uncomfortable. The driver turned around and looked at him and Aaron and then the blonde. Their eyes met briefly and she immediately looked away from the driver again. Jamal frowned, something weird is going on here.
Fearful Eyes

Jamal’s eyes landed on the girl again and this time she was looking directly at him, except he could read something in her eyes. If he wasn’t mistaken, she had fear in her eyes. Jamal frowned in confusion. He looked at Aaron who was completely oblivious of the whole thing. Jamal wondered if he is looking too much into this?
Time To Move

Before Jamal could say anything to Aaron, the light went green and the driver stepped on the accelerator and drove away, the car disappearing out of sight. Jamal was getting troubling thoughts now, if he wasn’t mistaken, something seems to bother the woman in that car but he couldn’t figure out what it was.
What Could It Be?

Jamal’s head kept throwing ideas at him about what possible reason could it be for the girl to be anxious or sad or whatever he couldn’t read on her face. Maybe she was on her way to the hospital, to see a relative who was injured. Or maybe she was nervous about a job interview. But why was the driver looking at her weirdly? None of it made any sense.
Spotting The Car

A few miles down the road, Jamal spotted the car again. He couldn’t make out much of what is happening from behind but the blonde was looking around from the window, the driver was still racing like his life depends on it. Another red light, coincidentally made them wait next to each other again. This time Jamal asked Aaron to look.