That day was the very first time in Mr. Vang’s life that he carried a huge amount of money in cash. He was asked by his wife to keep the money safe at home. He was the one who refused to do so as he thought that he could take good care of the money.
Mr. Vang’s head echoed with the wise words that his wife said before leaving the house. He cursed himself for not listening to her. Now that he had not listened to her, he could not tell her that he had lost the wallet. His esteem would be burnt to ashes if he mentioned the lost wallet in front of his wife.
Rational Step
Setting all his thoughts aside, he decided to become a little practical. The first thing that he decided to do was to block the cards so that nobody could access those and his virtual money could be safe. He reached out for his bank so that he could do the needful.
Virtual money was saved by his act, but what about the huge amount of cash he was keeping inside the wallet? Mr. Vang was not a spendthrift, instead, he firmly believed in the art of saving money. Then why did he keep that amount inside his wallet? What could be the possible reasons?
The reason why Mr. Vang took that huge amount of $1500 cash was that the coming weekend of that month was his daughter’s birthday and he had to pay $1500 to catering service in advance so that he could also finalize the day and venue.
Now that he had lost the wallet, the cash inside it is also lost. He lost all his hopes with it. He had to face his wife so he devised a proper scenario to confront her. He could not think of anything other than his wife overreacting to the situation.