Younger Kids

Cozad had always wanted to know what it was like to be a foster mom. But even after they got married, she was still quite young. During that time, Cozad was only around 23 years old and had not wrapped her head around the concept of dealing with kids that were close to her age. Up until then, she had only thought about younger kids or babies.
Initial Stage
After they mutually agreed to become foster parents, they starting helping and taking in kids. The kids that the couple took in were very young. Cozad and her hubby only fostered newborns and toddlers on a short-term basis. They were only comfortable with handling younger babies and kids that time and so that was exactly what took place initially.
Just One Week

So they got to start fostering kids after they both decided that they wanted to be foster parents. They first took in a baby for seven days. Cozad and Shank were then requested to take care of a three-year-old boy called Michael. This was not supposed to take long, in fact, the newlyweds were asked to have an eye on Michael for only a weekend.
Change Of Plans
So when they took in Michael, the couple did not intent on keeping him for long. Since they had been asked to take care of the boy for just one week, they had no problem. But after they met him, the initial plan quickly changed. “That weekend turned into a week. And that week into months. And those months into years,” she revealed on their website ‘Love What Matters’.
Someone Visits

The couple took care of Michael and were very fond of him. They did not expect to keep him for such a long time. What was supposed to be a weekend had transpired to a few months now. Then, they were given a visit by someone else too. During the initial months, Cozad and Shank oversaw a visit from none other than Michael’s very own brother, Dayshawn.
A Need For Unity
It was such a beautiful moment when the two brothers finally met. As soon as the big brother saw his brother, he could not hide his host and ran straight to him, lifting him up in a warm embrace. After seeing this, the couple was quite touched and wanted to do something. Cozad realized instantly that these brothers needed to be united and never separated ever.