The Plan

Vivian decided to catch the cockroaches in a little tub, shuddering as she tried to stop them from scuttling away. However, once she’d got them both shut in the container, a plan started to form in her mind. And she thought this plan can help her daughter get back on track.
She was sure that the sight of these horrible little critters would give Maya the wake-up call she needed to get things in order. But she wanted to give Maya one more chance before putting her plan into action. So that she had a chance to do it herself and not by some other force.
One Last Plea

When Maya got home, Vivian had a talk with her about cleaning her room, but her daughter was stubborn as usual. “Mom, I’m not cleaning my room! It’s my room, and I’ll do what I want!” Maya shouted. And here Vivian knew that now it was time to put her plan to execution.
“Okay, sweetheart. You do what you want, but I’ll do what I want too, Vivian replied. ”What are you gonna do? Ground me?” Maya yellled, smirking. “Oh, no, dear. I have a surprise trick up my sleeve,” Vivian said. “Yeah right Like what?” Maya scoffed. But Vivian didn’t reply. Maya would see for herself soon enough.
Time to Take Action

Vivian knew it was time to bring out the big guns. Nothing was getting through to her messy, moody daughter and she was at the end of her tether. It was the only option she was left with in the hopes that it would redeem her daughter. And she would finally see how her behavior is not only self destructive but now a threat to the sanity of the house as well.
She didn’t want to do what she was about to do, but she felt like Maya had given her no choice. When Maya was out meeting friends later that afternoon, Vivian sneaked into her daughter’s room, armed with that little tub. Inside, the cockroaches were crawling around.
The Cockroaches

Holding the tub at arm’s length and wearing her cleaning gloves, Vivian slowly peeled off the lid. She lifted up Maya’s pillow and deposited one of the wriggling roaches underneath. The other one, she tucked under the comforter.
The deed was done. She was confident that this would give Maya the jolt she needed. While some moms might think it was too cruel, Vivian didn’t know what else would work. Now all she needed to do was wait.
Loud Scream

Maya came home half an hour later. She dumped her coat and bag on the floor and headed straight to her room. Filled with anticipation, Vivian waited. She knew it wouldn’t be long. As expected, a few minutes later, she heard a piercing scream. Maya rushed out of her room and threw herself into her mom’s arms.
“Mom!” she yelled. “There were huge BUGS in my bed! Ugh!” She had obviously forgotten her mom’s warning that she had a trick up her sleeve. Vivian gave her daughter a big hug and smiled to herself. Now was her chance. Finally the time she was waiting for.
Maya’s Disgust

As Maya was recovering from the shock of discovering the cockroaches in her bed, Vivian stroked her hair and explained to her the importance of good hygiene and cleanliness. The cockroaches had been attracted to all the old food in her bedroom and if she continued in the way that she had been, it wouldn’t be long until they were infested.
Maya looked up at her mom with a tear-stained face and said, “Okay, Mom. I’m going to clean up my act, and my room!” And this made Vivian so happy that her happiness knew no bounds. She just wanted to shout and dance. Her daughter is finally getting her act together.