A Flood Of Responses
Jenny Perez, a lady who came in to help the teens said, “We’ve gotten flooded with responses from people who now have fostered them or taken them for their forever homes.” A couple of these chihuahuas were suffering from Hernia and they needed to get this treated.
Emma, The Chihuahua
Emma, the chihuahua was in worst condition and her health was deteriorating day by day. She too suffered from a hernia. But she was lucky enough that for her funds were raised on time and she was the first one to be treated.
Funds From Heaven
It all happened with the help of a worried couple who wanted to do anything and everything in their hands to save these chihuahua’s lives. They took care of Emma’s treatment and paid for it. They even took the responsibility of Emma till the time she becomes all healthy.
Muscle Disorder
All the dogs find a wonderful family. There was one chihuahua who suffered from a muscle disorder and was unable to walk properly. A kind-hearted family came in to take the responsibility of this little one with only one left behind.
The Last Pooch Standing
While all the other chihuahuas were taken care of there was one left with no one to look after. Emma was the only chihuahua who wasn’t adopted by anyone for a long time. She was still living with her foster parents. Will she ever get a forever home?
Thank You, Savannah
Obviously, all the families who adopted these babies were thankful to Savannah who took a step ahead and saved these babies lives who were now making several homes a better place. Savannah was glad that she was able to do something for the chihuahuas but the only one left behind still was her major concern.