A Bag Of Free Cash
There was an incident that took place in McDonald’s that most of us would definitely wish to encounter. There was a number of customers that made claims that a couple named Greg and Stacy Terry received a bag that had thousands and thousands of dollars in place of their orders. They immediately felt that this was a mistake and returned it, received a word of gratitude from the manager of the restaurant.
Getting Punched To Be In Line
This is one good reason why you should never let females go alone at a McDonald’s. Back in 2008, a man gave a punch to a young teenage girl because she had a better spot in the waiting line. He did this to take her place. He proceeded to run away from this particular restaurant. The police could not locate this guy even though his face was clearly seen in the surveillance tapes.
Guns For Bacon
Something involving a gun happened at a McDonald’s back in February 2014. How would you feel if you found out that someone armed had shown up in the same McDonald’s restaurant as you? Well, a woman fired a shot in a Michigan McDonald’s. The reason was something unbelievable. It was due to the fact that the bacon cheeseburgers she ordered with a pal had no bacon that made her angry.
Stolen Car In A Drive-Thru
Who would have ever thought that their long-lost possession would ever turn up at a McDonald’s restaurant of all places? A woman called Virginia Maiden who resides in Washington, discovered her stolen vehicle once again after it was lost. She saw it in the drive-through line at a McDonald’s restaurant while she was waiting to give her order as well.
Homeless Man Gets Arrested
This is one is an unfortunate incident that happened at a McDonald’s restaurant. This happened to a homeless Florida man who went inside a McDonald’s restaurant and requested to have a water cup, but he decided to fill the cup with soda instead. He was later convicted as a felon only because of the fact that he could not pay a dollar.