Growing Huge
Surprisingly, out of anger, the stingray grew huge in size. He completely stuck to the glass, to divert his father’s attention. Just like any small baby would do, he too was trying his best to call his father towards him. But all his attempts went in vain.
Making A Strategy
Since the stingray was getting highly impatient and his father absolutely unaware of that, the stingray decides to do something spectacular. Just to grab his father’s eyes, the stingray made a shocking move. Hunger was taking over stingray’s brain and he decided to put his plan into action.
Planning To Jump
The stingray decided to jump out of the aquarium and grab the much-awaited attention of his father. He was sure that if he did so, his dad will definitely be reminded of him. He knew that this planned strategy will work. What all he is thinking and planning to do is so cute. Isn’t he adorable?
Jumping Out Of Water
The stingray gathers all his energy and pushes all his fins up in the water and was all set to jump out. This is a very rare sight. Not easily one will find a stingray indulging into jumps that to jumping in an aquarium. While jumping he had his eyes right onto the eyes of his father. And it was a splash!
As and when he jumped, there were splashes of water everywhere. Even his human father was scared as he did not realize what happened. When the stingray went back into the aquarium, he let another splash. The entire place was covered in water. Undoubtedly, the stingray made his presence evident.
A Success
The moment the stingray jumped, his plan was an altogether success. Not only did he distract the father, but at the same time disturbed the feeding of other fishes. He created a chaos out of a calm atmosphere. For an instance, the father mistook it for the breakage of the aquarium. The next step of the human father was a much-awaited one.