Tyrel’s Second Visit
Tyrel then worked in order to go for a second visit to meet Joana in the Philippines. The first trip happened back in May 2013, but by November he would be able to spend a month with Joana. He could hardly wait to see her again. On November 27, Tyrel was now ready to fly thousands of miles to meet the woman he had fallen for. They had spent enough time in order for him to decide if he wanted to marry her. He would need to ask her parents if he was serious about marrying Joana.
Marriage Was on the Cards
Joana’s father, Jun, could see how happy Tyrel and Joana were so he did not have anything against their relationship. Since they were both Christians, he did not see a problem of them being with each other. So Joana’s dad gave them his blessing and permission when Tyler asked for her hand in marriage. Her mother, however, was a little skeptical claiming that they were still a bit too young for such a huge commitment. He was determined to prove to Racel that he was worthy of her daughter…
A Plan of Action
Tyrel had to go back home. But now he had a mission. He had to find a way to somehow convince Joana’s mother that he and Joana were meant to be together, to get married. He soon came up with a plan. He would take his father, Ivan along with him on the next trip he takes to the Philippines. Tyrel’s parents were supportive of the couple and he believed his dad could get Racel to be on board too. In May 2014, Ivan and Tyrel were on their way to meet with Joana’s family…
One Big Happy Family
When they got to the Philippines, Ivan was welcomed by Joana’s family with open arms. So very quickly Ivan went ahead with the plan and had a word with Joana’s mom to somehow show that their kids belonged together, that they were ready for marriage. The parents also had to discuss where the two would reside. Would Tyrel and Joana live in the Philippines or the US? There was still loads of unfinished business that the couple had to take care of still…
On One Knee
Joana’s mother was very vocal about how much Ivan’s visit had an impact on her decision. She was sure to tell him that the Marchan family were greatly influenced by his decision to accompany his son. Racel told Ivan this was God’s sign, moving her to believe that Joana and Tyrel were meant to marry each other. She also told him that if he had not come to meet them, she would have intervened and stopped their relationship. Tyrel could finally take a sigh of relief. So what was next? A formal engagement of course…
To The United States!
Taking a long time to decide, Joana and Tyrel finally agreed and decided to live together in the United States. This according to them would be the best option. Tyrel already held a decent job that could take care of their family plus Joana’s family back in the Philippines. It would have been a waste to leave a good paying job to settle in the Philipines. However, the US bureaucracy demanded Joana to get a visa before she could get into their country. So would this be possible?