Ground Up
The Hill family was quite thoughtful and they wished to repair the infrastructure of their town. They started to think of all the struggles the local citizens had to face and they started addressing every issue one by one. The drainage system wasn’t up to the mark and the Hills bought a piece of land required to set up a new sewage plant worth $50,000. Can you guess what they were about to do next?
Widening The Lens
The hills had changed the face of their town, reshaping the sewage system, the security system, and assuring that the next generation gets the best out of this small place. They still had to do way more to complete the “bigger picture” they had in their mind for this town. They still had a big reservoir of millions of dollars which they had barely used. Instead of spending their money on luxurious items, they would take inspiration from their past which would further expand their influence to places out of their community.
School Days
Mark and Cindy Hill, the two did their schooling from North Platte High School located in Dearborn, Missouri, which wasn’t far away from Camden Point. They had secured funds for their own family’s future education but they were willing to contribute and give it forward to those in need. They were gifted with the opportunity to influence the lives of hundreds and thousands around them and they were now going to step outside their town to reach out to more people. By now they had only served to short term and immediate needs, but they were thinking of a more long-term plan.
A Lesson In Giving
The Hills were now going to set up a scholarship program at North Platte High School. Their intention was to give talented students a platform to excel and aim for greater things in life, even those that are beyond the scope of their small rural community. The couple’s acts of kindness had taken the city by storm and the community soon became a cynosure in the national news. The readers wanted to know where these Powerball lottery winners would spend their money. How do you think the locals responded to these sudden changes in their small town?
A Mayor’s Gratitude
The Mayor of Camden Point, Missouri, Mr. Kevin Boydston was grateful that Mark and Cindy Hill influenced their community in so many ways. He evaluated the investment made by the Hill couple in the development of the town and drew a conclusion that if it wasn’t for Mark and Cindy, the drastic transformation in the town’s infrastructure would have taken at least a quarter of a century to accomplish. People were nothing but surprised after reading their story and realizing that how the Hills invested their money in their small town. Everyone who knew the Hills believed that the lottery had been awarded to the most appropriate couple and it certainly reflected in the way they used their money.
Final Calculations
Although they had won themselves half the money of the largest Powerball lotteries in American history, they weren’t going to get the exact amount in the end. How much did the get ultimately? As it transpired, the Hill family got to take home an estimated $136.5 million post-tax deductions. This was still a gigantic amount and the Hills could have gone on an entirely different path after completing their local social projects. With as much money in their bank account, they could now live anywhere in the world and in any kind of home they ever wished to have. But the Hill family decided to something with their house that left everyone dumbfounded.