Sticking To It
But as a man who does not want to stop but keeps trying, this slight problem did not stop him. He quickly thought of another hairstyle that could work for his baby girl. So Greg stuck with his endeavor and was able to pull off and nail a hairstyle that Izzy was happy with afterward. He never even knew that he could be this creative with something he had trouble with in the first place.
Inspiring Many Others
Although it was never his intention, Greg has become quite the popular man. All thanks to him and his daughter’s social media page, they have man people following whatever they do. They have become an inspiration to so many people especially other dads everywhere. These dads have seen that it is not necessarily a mother’s job to take care of a daughter’s hairstyle.
Other Dads Too
After a while, the college he works at even ended up hosting a Daddy-Daughter Hairdo Day. This is quite self-explanatory from the name itself. It is where local dads can get trained to do looks ranging from a simple chignon bun to a complicated double-Dutch braid. It has become quite the popular thing for the dads living in the area to come and get trained to do these hairstyles for their precious baby girls.
Still A Priority
Their newfound fame on social media has not gotten into their heads. Greg and Izzy still maintain the same kind of relationship that they shared from the beginning. And even with some amount of fame, at the end of the day, the thing that Greg keeps above everything else is a special time he and Izzy share. This has a new addition with him doing her hair every morning now.
What A Way To Bond
The father and daughter have gotten way closer than before. They spend so much time together and this is exactly what Greg had wished to accomplish. The two of them love to experiment and share ideas on what to do with her hairstyle. It is no secret that this is not the most common way of a parent and child to bond but it has definitely been working for them thus far.
Simple Pleasures
So for single dad Greg, the thing that makes him happiest is knowing that he and his daughter can spend time doing her hair together every morning. He simply adores the time that they can spend brushing, braiding, and giggling together while he does her hair every morning. It may seem like nothing to others, but Greg is glad his daughter enjoys it as much as he does.