Bidding For The Vase
“Qianlong vase, the 1740s,” announced the auctioneer. Leanne and Damon were surprised to find out that the vase was almost 300 years old. “I start the bidding at £10,000…” Every single hand in the room went up, so apparently, everyone in the room wanted the vase. “£15,000” called out the auctioneer. None of the hands went down. The siblings felt like they were in a movie.
The Neverending Bid
“£50,000……£100,000…….£200,000…” The auctioneer kept raising the prize. The audience was going crazy over this item. Nobody was willing to budge. Leanne and Damon saw with astonishment how the room looked like it was on fire. People were calling out to every prize raised by the auctioneer. The auctioneer reached £500,000…One Million Pound… but the bid was neverending, it only kept increasing.
Can’t Quit
Leanne and Damon had not seen anything like this before. The auctioneer was now at £20 Million and still, at least ten people had their hands raised. £20 Million for a vase they found in an attic. Leanne felt like she was dreaming. None of it could be real. Yet the numbers were still rising, and finally, the number of bidders slowly started to decline.
The Final Duel
Now the auctioneer was at £25 million and there were only two people still bidding in the audience, the two gentlemen on the sofa. Leanne realized they were bidding against each other. Every eye in the room was on them as they outbid each other over and over again. The numbers were still rising..30..31..32… nobody could guess who will give up.
The Unexpected Twist
The auctioneer was now at £42 Million and only one of them raised his hand. The room waited in anticipation, the man with the hat did not make any movement, Leanne’s heart was pounding in her chest. She was thinking if this could be it? Is this vase going to be sold for £42 Million? Just when people thought the duel is over, the man with the hat raised his hand “£43 Million!”
The Winning Bid
The room was full of gasps and murmurs, nobody could believe what was happening. Only one hand remained in the air now at £43 Million, “Going once…going twice…” all eyes were on the other man waiting for him to make his move. “Sold!”, the auctioneer slammed the hammer down with a loud bang. The crowd let out a sigh and began to applaud for the winner.