Along The Tracks
Now, when she knew where she was, her confidence was back now. She could actually explore the area much further. She moved along the tracks slowly. She didn’t touch any of the structure as the mine was old and who knows what could have happened any moment in a place like this. She kept her distance.
About The Mine
It was mine for sure. But when was it in use? Who built it and for what? She knew that she won’t be able to find answers here as there was no possible way to tell what purpose this mine fulfilled in the past. This huge area where she was standing must have been the center of the mine. That much was clear to her and the tools which were left told her that they were very old.
Returning Back
Finally, Lana decided to call it a day off. She had all the adventure for the day. Now, all she wanted is to go back to the safe place, home. But that seemed like an easy task but wasn’t. She soon found herself in the middle of another problem. She forgot the turns.
Before Leaving
Before she left the tunnel she took out her camera to capture some of the images of the tunnel she discovered to tell the world about its existence. It’s a fact that people forget about old things as time passes by. But adventurous people like Lana are there for us to show some hidden places that were lost in time.
Photographs Talk
Lana clicked several pictures of the tunnel which told her different stories with every click. From every angle, there was something defining about the place. As they say, pictures talk to us. This place was also speaking to her. Telling her about its feeling of left behind with no human touch. People used to work in this tunnel. But now, it was like, it didn’t exist.
Deadly Tunnels
Lana was now moving back to where she had started. She avoided the structure of the tunnel. Being an experienced explorer has explored many tunnels and she knew how life-threating they can be if not taken care of properly. She was aware of the news where people got stuck inside an old tunnel when they touched or stepped on something wrong.