Lana has seen many tunnels in the past, but this tunnel was nothing like she has seen before. She was always excited to explore something new but this time her excitement was turned into worry. Questions like who built this tunnel? What was the purpose of this tunnel? Her mind was filled with these questions. But a sudden noise distracted her mind towards it. “Who is there?” she shouted.
Not Alone
She aimed the light towards the direction of the noise which she realized was getting louder. She groped the camera and the flashlight tightly in his hands, she was ready to fight any creature in the world. She was looking for the origin of the noise. Waving her hand in the black space, it was liking creating modern art with the flashlight. The light saw something. It was a rat. It was going in some direction and she knew how good a guide it is. She followed the rat.
The Russian blogger followed the rat which she would lead her to somewhere. The temperature got colder with each step. She moved along the broken tracks alongside which broken tools were scattered around. Water trickled from the unstable wooden structure. She thought of going back. But she kept thinking what if there was something at the end of the tunnel. So, she kept walking.
What If?
Before she moved any further she stopped and was memorizing the turn she took to the point she was at that moment. She couldn’t shake the thought of leaving the place and call it quits. She spotted something which was something to worry about.
She didn’t notice that the path she was following was completely frozen until she slipped. The passage would have been perfect for skating that was no time for thinking something like that. She had to decide what she was gonna do next. She stood up. And without giving it a thought she moved further. Something was about to change.
After crossing the ice track she found herself into a large space which was filled with old tracks, tools, machinery, and carts. She knew what it was. An abandoned mine. She was relieved to find that at last, she has solved the mystery. Her heart was now beating faster due to the excitement of solving the puzzle that almost made her quit the idea. Thankfully, she didn’t. It was an old abandoned mine.