First Step…
Behind her was a space filled with light, trees waving at her as she was a champion of some sort, and her whole life. But in the front, there was complete darkness. What was that black darkness was holding for her she had no clue. Was there even any passage? She took the first step, a pause, her feet still some inches above the ground, she thought that this was a bad idea. She almost took her feet back where it was, but then she lost her balance and taking the step in the front was the only option.
Then Next, Next, Next…
Lana realized that behind her feet there was more land. She took the second, then third, then fourth, then she didn’t stop until she found out what this place actually was. The torch’s flashlight seemed like falling short because there was no end to the passage. She kept walking until she stumbled upon a shack.
The Shack
The shack she came across was a complete mess. You can actually make that there were weeds growing through the cracks of the wood. There was no door, so she moved inside the small cabin. Coming out from one darkness she was again inside new darkness. Now, what’s that?
A Hole In The Middle

Lana saw a hole in the middle of the cabin. She was confused because no way there could be a secret passage inside a cabin that was really deep. But how deep? Lana was more curious now. This was the first time she had no idea where she was going or where all of this would lead her. Her adventurous side was really excited but deep down she was afraid. But she knew if she returned now there was no way she could ever solve the mystery of the secret passage inside an abandoned shack.
The Dark
A camera in one hand and a torch in another she moved inside the hole with the help of old rusty stairs. The sound of old damp wood creaking was making each of her steps heavier and heavier. The air was alien to her. She felt like she shouldn’t breathe but then her lungs were quenching for air the same way we quench for water on a hot summer day.
A Strange World
It was an unknown surrounding for her. The hair on her arms was sensing the strangeness of the area. As she moved ahead there was nothing she could make of. Everything was quiet, so quiet that she could hear her own heartbeats. She could hear cockroaches’ noise that was filling the atmosphere around her. Then she went further to solve the mystery which changed her life forever.