It Was Peaceful
Keeping theories to the bay, the Maiden did not receive a painful death. But that was not the case with the Llullaillaco Boy. His head was still stained with blood and the whole body tied. It seemed that the boy was suffocated.
The Lightning Girl
The Lightning Girl whose name was derived from the fact that the girl had gotten struck by lightning. Perhaps the girl had gotten frozen and ultimately died because of it. Maiden had faced the same fate. However, Maiden would not have feared much as she was under the influence of cocaine.
Not Expected
Discovery of this sort is quite rare. In fact, researchers had never imagined something like this before the discovery of these mummies. No doubt, these amazingly preserved bodies let the researchers peek half a millennium back into the history.
More To Tell
In 2013 Andrew Wilson stated, “The exciting thing about these individuals is that they probably still have much more to tell us.” This is just the beginning.
Stories To Unfold

Wilson intrigued people’s interest by saying, “Locked in their tissues are many stories still to unfold.” As a history lover, we all want to know all about those stories that are buried inside their preserved body.
Isn’t it strange? They actually found well-preserved bodies that are centuries old in such a good condition.