Important Figure
Other evidence along with these findings alluded to the fact that the Maiden was an important body present in the tomb. And as the Maiden had taken a heavier amount of cocaine in relation to her accompaniers, forensic experts believe that she would have gone numb prior to her sacrificial death. The archeologists are very positive about it being sacrificial death.
Part Of Ceremony
According to a popular theory, these children became subject of sacrificial death for a rite called “capacocha.” This type of ceremony was practiced very rarely by Incans in those days and so someone very important was made the subject of it. This must have come as an honor for the Maiden.
However, John Verano, Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana said, “We can only hypothesise, but being older, she might have had more of an idea of what was going on around her.” They also suspected, “Was she nervous and using drink as a way to deal with it?”
Securing Place?
They did not do it without reason. They believed that sacrificing these pretty, pure, and young people would secure space for the subjects in the utopian world with gods. They also believed that the sacrificed people used to work as a liaison between the holy men of communities and gods after their death.
But there was one more theory that gave it a political color. Andrew Wilson put forth that the Maiden shifted in with priestesses to the city of Cusco, Incans’ most important city. They stayed there till the time they did not make their way to Llullaillaco.
Highest Ever
Wilson also commented about the level of coca found in Maiden. According to him, it was at its highest in comparison to half a year before her sacrifice. The finding signifies that before the transpiration of sacrifice there used to be a ritual. This way the Incans used to announce the coming sacrifice in its community.