Saying Goodbye

Joker was not getting better. His health had been deteriorating ever since. Very soon Jacqueline had to bid her goodbye to Joker as well. Joker passed away after a few weeks of living with Jacqueline. Jacqueline, however, was grateful that they found out about the disease in advance and she could give Joker a pampered and happy life.
Back To Work

This might have been a beautiful roller coaster ride for everyone at the rescue clinic but this probably wasn’t the end. They had worked then and they got back to work as soon as all the kittens were safely sent to their forever homes. More animals like this cat needed help and they could never slow down. The work was only getting more demanding.
Happy Endings

Several cases that come to the clinic don’t end on a happy note but Jacqueline and her team are happy that this story despite having some bumps ended quite happily. The cat went through a difficult pregnancy but gave birth to healthy kittens. The kittens carried a fever coat but they gradually got over it and Joker might not have been able to make it but he lived a happy life before his end. This is what Jacqueline and her team do. They make sure that it’s a happy ending for every animal that comes to their rescue house.