Gaining Weight

It was a tedious task for the mother to feed all her seven kittens to keep them in good health and on the other hand the volunteers had to ensure that the mother too was in the pink of her health so that she could go on feeding her kittens. It was important for her to gain weight and to do so, food and water had to be adequate.
Luckily, the vets and volunteers ensured that the mother cat carried good health throughout the feeding time.
Adoption Options

Every kitten in the litter and the mother of the lot were doing well and soon it would be time for the mother cat to go back to her owner and for the little kittens to be adopted by their new owners. Everyone at the rescue team and clinic was happy for the wonderful lot and Jacqueline was proud of the job that her team had pulled off. Adoption would give these kittens their new happy homes.

Though all the kittens in the litter were doing well, the team was especially concerned for Joker. He was the smallest in the lot and was quite weaker than his siblings. He had always tried to keep up with them but there was something that was restraining him. When the time came for adoption, Jacqueline decided to do another check to see if everything was fine with little Joker. Was she expecting some bad news?
Bad News

When Joker went through a detailed medical check. The doctors found something that was expected but they weren’t really happy to discover it. Joker was suffering from Feline Infectious Peritonitis or FIP. Now, FIP is usually a fatal disease among cats and the lifespan is anywhere between a few weeks. Joker has fluid accumulated in his chest that would sooner or later prove to be fatal. Everybody at the clinic was disheartened but Jacqueline wanted to do everything she could to help the little fellow.

Jacqueline decided to something for Joker and she took him to her house and made sure that he lived his last days in peace. She gave him everything he wanted and never left him alone. She made sure that Joker felt pampered.
While Joker was living a peaceful life in his foster home, his siblings were gradually getting adopted by families. Within weeks, all the kittens were now in their amazing new homes. The team at the clinic had done a wonderful job of keeping the kittens fit until adoption.
Getting Attached

It was difficult for the team to let go of all the kittens as they had now found attachment in caring for them and watching them grow. The most difficult part for Jacqueline was to send the mother cat to her owner. Though she knew it would happen someday she was not ready to let her go. With a heavy heart, she called the owner and handed over the cat to her. In a small corner of her heart, she was also happy for the mother cat as she was going to the home that was always hers. The owner of the cat was thrilled to have her pet back in a healthy state.