Meeting Mom

The doctors were very confident that the kittens could be reunited with their mother and their color would not affect their bonding. It was very important for all the kittens and the mother to have a smooth meeting. They couldn’t afford to overwhelm the mother, so it was decided that they would be taken to the mother one by one. Just like they came into the world.
First Look

The team was hoping that they see an emotional meeting and that is what happened. As soon as each of the kittens was brought in front of their mother they instantly recognized her and understood that she was the one who would feed and take care of them. Very soon all 7 kittens surrounded their mother and started rubbing them against her showing immediate affection.
Immediate Affection

The kids were all reacting in the way they should. They all loved their mother. But it was important to see how the mother would react. It was an overwhelming sight. The mother let all her babies gather around her, stick to her and start feeding. Seeing this sight was the most emotional moment for Jacqueline. The doctors might have been confident about the kittens but Jacqueline still had her doubts. This emotional encounter melted away whatever worries she had in her mind.
Silver Babies

Assumptions that the kittens with silver fur would carry bad health in the future were ruled out by the vets. They advised the volunteers to follow the same process of bringing up these kittens as they would have done with any other kittens. For people at Friends for Life Rescue, it meant a lot of attention and discipline Administering the birth of a cat was one thing but raising them to when someone would come to adopt them needed a lot more work.

After the doctors comforted her, Jacqueline knew that the kittens would be alright but another question that was still on her mind was if the kittens would be this way forever. Was this pigmentation a permanent thing? Apart from the silver fur, the kittens also carried different colors that seemed to be their original fur color, but it was very hard to notice with all the silver dominating. Jacqueline asked one of the vets if the kittens would grow out of the silver hair as they grew older.
Growing Up Fever-Coated

Among the several kittens she had seen being born, these were different. She finally got the answer to her last question about the litter. The fever-coat was a temporary case and as the kitten grows older they would shed their silver hair and show their true colors.
Now, another excitement took over Jacqueline as she couldn’t wait to see how the kitten would look after they shed this coat of silver.