A Long Delivery

Even after showing genuine signs of labor the cat had to wait for yet another hour before she could bring her little kittens in the world. The team was all in to make the cat feel comfortable through the long process. They made sure that the cat was well-hydrated and when needed, would be replenished. It was a long wait.
Following Protocol

Everyone in the clinic was on their feet. They did not let the excitement take over their professionalism. The doctors were continuously monitoring the cat’s vitals and made sure that the mother was strong enough to deliver the kittens. When the mother finally showed the signs of letting her babies out, everybody in the room was set on their positions.
One By One

Finally, the mother gave birth to its first baby. The team was ready and as soon as the kitten was out they took it to the vet for further check-ups regarding its health. The team had its fingers crossed and when the news came that the baby was all healthy, they heaved a sigh of relief. The little kitten was very healthy and was moving around. This was positive news for the rest of the babies to be born.
Lucky Number

The entire team was there until all the kittens were born and when all was said and done, the mother cat gave birth to 7 healthy and beautiful kittens and the mother was healthy as well. It was a wonderful day for everyone at the clinic who had put their heart and soul into making sure that everything goes into order.
Jacqueline couldn’t wait to break the news to the owner and see how happy she would be.

Jacqueline was all exhausted after the long process of making sure that the mother and her kittens were safe and strong. She was happy for the mother. The mother had had a difficult and extended pregnancy and labor but it was finally for the good. She was happy that soon the kittens would be ready to meet their mother. By that time the mother would be ready to feed them. It was now time to clean up and take the mother to a safe and comfortable location where she could rest before finally meeting her little kittens.
Nervous Call

Everything was now in place. Just when Jacqueline couldn’t think of any mishappening she heard a voice call her from the room the kittens were being held. She could make out that it was not a normal call. Something was not right. Was it with the kittens? Did something happen to them? Jacqueline, in a haste, ran towards the room she heard the voice from.