The Arrival

After a couple of hours, the owner was sitting in Jacqueline’s cabin with the pet cat. The cat was in her cage and was ready to give birth any time soon. The owner briefed Jacqueline about the cat’s history. The animal was generally a house cat. Then came the part where she escaped and became pregnant. She felt really weak after she returned and the owner instantly knew that the cat needed help in delivering her babies.
A Concerned Owner

Jacqueline had met several pet owners and not every one of them was loving towards their pet. Some of them had lost interest in their pets and wanted to get rid of them. But this time it was different and this woman looked concerned for her cat. This made Jacqueline even happier and she promised to take good care of the mother and her kittens.
A Final Check

The owner was finally assured that her pet was in good hands and that people in the clinic would take good care of her. Jacqueline now sent the cat to the in-house-vet to get her medically tested. The cat could have contracted a lot of diseases while she was away and if not looked into it could cause serious complications in the delivery.
Thankfully the cat was given a clean chit in health. The to-be-mother was now transferred to a cozy place to rest and the wait for her labor to began.
Taking Her Time

When the mother cat arrived, it seemed as if very soon she would give birth to her kittens but the team had to wait for a long time before the cat went into labor. There were no signs of labor in the first week of her arrival.
However soon after a week, the cat was ready to become a mother of beautiful babies. The most awaited event was about to happen.

When the time came, everyone knew that it was about the happen. The mother cat started acting differently. She meowed and purred more than usual. As the time grew closer excitement was high and all were anticipating the number of kittens she was carrying. The signs only grew and the little new guests could come in anytime now.
Go Time

A week after she had been brought in the black cat went into labor. Jacqueline was there to aid the delivery in every way she could. Some other volunteers and veterinarians accompanied her. The cat was laid on a layer of cozy blankets and was made comfortable. The cat was a bit restless and it was nothing new for them. They gave the animal enough space to go on with the delivery.