The Call

It had been a usual day and Jacqueline received a distress call from a cat owner desperate for some advice. Her cat was pregnant and she had no idea as to how she should be taking care of the cat and kittens that would soon come into the world. Jacqueline as always was ready to help as she felt that in her clinic, the cat would be taken care of and it would be like many other deliveries that she had administered. There was no way, that Jacqueline could have known what was about to happen.

The owner was happy to share a bit of the cat’s history. The owner told her that at one point of time the cat had disappeared and did not return for a very long time. The owner thought that the cat had gone forever and she would never be able to see her again but to her surprise, the cat returned after a few weeks. The little animal was not at all in a good state and the owner was sure that her pet had been through a lot.
A Mother

The owner was worried about what might have happened to her pet while it was away but soon she figured out what the problem was. The cat looked much bigger! The owner discovered that the cat was pregnant. This news was exciting for the owner but soon worry took over the excitement when she realized that she neither had space for the kittens nor she had an idea about how to take care of the pregnant cat or her kittens.
Taking Responsibility
Jacqueline was all excited about this new guest that was about to arrive in their clinic. She had never refused any animal in need of help and she did the same here. After hearing the story, she asked the owner to bring the cat to her clinic as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, she informed all her volunteers about the new guest and that she needed special care. Everyone in the clinic started working to make things comfortable for the to-be-mother.
Asking for Help

Jacqueline was happy that the owner had turned towards her for help regarding her pregnant kitty. Mostly in these cases, the owners discard their pet or if extremely attached to the pet try to raise them without proper knowledge. This might harm the pet even more. She was sure that in the hands of her vets, the cat would give birth to healthy kittens and would have a better chance of survival.
Everything In Order

The owner of the cat had informed Jacqueline that she would bring it somewhere around the afternoon. She had also told her that she was worried because she had no idea how to raise the kittens and how should the pregnant mother be taken care of. Jaqueline and her team were ever ready to handle such situations. The team set up a clean and safe place for the mother to give birth to her kids.
She had experienced professionals who would take care of the litter of kittens.