Circus Bans

Animal Defenders International is a dedicated organization which helped in getting bans applied in several countries. They have been doing this for a long time. Giving wild animals the life that they truly deserve. Thanks to them, Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala, Colombia, Greece, Macedonia, and many European countries finally banned the use of these animals in the circuses. It’s not that ADI has done it alone but they’ve been an important and consistent part of the whole protest.
Long Way To Africa
It looked like it will take a long time to collect enough money that these animals can be transferred to a permanent home. The process was taking too long. But as it is said where there’s a will there’s a way. Similarly, the organization found their way out.
A Ray Of Hope
The ADI found a way out to collect more money to transfer these animals. It is not a temporary issue, they are rescuing more and more animals every now and then. Hence, they needed a plan and came up with a successful plan.
Rescuing More Animals

Animal Defenders International was struggling every day for the sake of these animals. They rescued 9 tigers too. They managed to get them a safe environment in the Tigers for Tomorrow Sanctuary and Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary. This was easier as the sanctuaries are in the U.S. itself.
The Sanctuary

The reason why Animal Defenders International wants these 5 lions to live in South Africa is the sanctuary there is their own. They know the facilities and the treatment each and every animal gets at the sanctuary. In short, the place is the most reliable. So, all they needed was the funds to send this family to their new home.
Flying The Lions Home

The GreaterGood.org came to help Animal Defenders International with the fundraising part. They opened an account in the name of ADI to raise higher funds. Once they meet the target they’ll be taking these animals to their forever home. They deserve a life of freedom.