New Crates
Their new crates were much bigger than the older ones. Unlike before, they can stand properly, walk around and of course enjoy the comfort of the heavenly grass. Well, the ADI staff had more plans and exciting gifts for their new members. They planned it all for them but what they never expected was the reaction of these big cats towards this gift.
New Toys
These animals new home not only came with fresh hay but also toys. Have you ever seen grown up lions playing with toys? We aren’t talking about tricks that lions usually do in the circus, well, as you know neither they don’t do it by choice nor they have any fun in those tricks, it’s just the audience that enjoys. But this time no one was forcing them to do anything or show any tricks.
Sasha Plays

The group of lions fell in love with their new toys at first sight. They were given a bunch of tires to play with and Sasha was the first one to get close to the tire and look what exactly it is. Sasha grabbed the tires with her front legs and started chewing it like pups do when their teeth are in growing state. This wasn’t all, the other lions’ reactions were just so incredibly unexpected.
Confused Lions
While Sasha was not at all scared of taking any risk, the rest of the lions were looking at her from a distance as if she’s doing something they’ve never seen before. After 15-20 minutes when they saw Sasha enjoying, the rest of the animals also decided to give their new toys a try. Kimba was the second lion who reached to the tire and his reactions were again more than amazing.
Kimba’s Reaction
Kimba was the most excited of all. He ran across the enclosure and stopped at his favorite tire. “Enjoying the feeling of grass beneath their paws, of hanging freely from a tire swing, or flopping down onto a bed of hay — simple pleasures previously denied them — the true characters of the lions are shining through,” said Jan Creamer, Animal Defenders International President.
Joy Has Taken Over

Tarzan was quite cautious, he carefully moved around everything, inspected it closely. He stayed calm with the grass and not showed any joy at first. One day went by and Tarzan was still keeping it to himself. By the evening of the second day, he was behaving like a kitten and was jumping around the tire wire.